Research Reports

Global & GCC Capital Markets Review: January 2021

February 03 , 2021

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Executive Summary

A monthly publication that covers the performance of GCC and global stock markets, provides economic commentary and captures key happenings in GCC.

Key Trends

  • GCC equity market as represented by S&P GCC Composite index started the year on an optimistic note as it ended the month 2.9% higher.
  • Oil prices continued their northward march and increased by 7.9% for the month. Investors cheered the rapid rollout of vaccines in UAE that would enable it to attain herd immunity swiftly.
  • U.S. market (S&P 500) retreated 1.1% for the month from earlier highs after disappointing earnings from tech companies. In Europe, increasing COVID-19 infection rates reintroduce the risk of continued recession.
  • Oil markets enthused by increased stimulus measures in the U.S by Biden administration, closes 7.9% higher.

Table of Content

  • Market Commentary, January 2021
  • Number of stocks in Kuwait Premier segment set to rise by 25%
  • Central Bank of Kuwait Allows Banks to Distribute 2020 Dividends
  • KSA Capital Market: Leaders, Profitability and Business Model
  • Revenue squeeze could spur Gulf bond issuance to new highs in 2021
  • GCC Equity Market performance, January 2021
  • GCC Sectoral performance, January 2021
  • GCC Equity Market valuation
  • Global Equity Market performance, January 2021
  • Monthly Returns and Value of USD 1 Invested


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